Republicans, you’ve just been given the chance to decouple from the party of Trump.
Fascists, Marxists, Communists, and now Trumpists.

My Republican brothers and sisters! You have just been given your golden chance to decouple yourself and your ideology from the party of Trump. The moment those MAGA hat wearing barbarians stormed the gates of our most sacred institution, they lost the right to call themselves Republicans or patriots. A more appropriate description might be terrorists, insurgents, fascists, anarchists, or traitors. Probably most fitting; Trumpists,
A Trumpist is really just a Kool aid drinking, selfish, self righteous, every man for himself, screw you I’ve got mine, I’m going to take my marbles and go home, religious hypocrite, burn the place down if I don’t get my way, cult follower masked in a Republican costume, adorned with our beloved red, white, and blue.
They are not Republicans. And they are definitely not patriots. Flying an American flag next to their Trump banner does not make them Republican or patriotic. Chanting “USA” at rally’s does not make them Republican or patriotic. Refusing to wear masks to protect their fellow Americans in order to express their freedoms is not Republican, or patriotic. Bringing guns to a State Capitol does not make them a Republican, or patriotic. And certainly storming the sacred halls of our nation’s Capitol does not make them Republican or patriotic.
The party of Trump was never Republican. Remember, Trump was a Democrat and Democratic contributor for much of his life. When he decided to run for office, he essentially evaluated where his biggest fan market would be and it happened to be a growingly frustrated base of Americans who identify as Republican. It could have very easily been a segment of center leaning Democrats and Independents. He went wherever he was most appreciated. It had nothing to do with ideology. And in doing so, he illuminated some of our country’s darkest corners.
In our ridiculous, harmful and ineffectual two party system, true patriotic country loving Republicans had nowhere to go but to hitch themselves to the Trump shit wagon.
The party of Trump does not care about America, or their fellow Americans. The party of Trump is one of reality tv spectacle, consequence be damned, zero sum game governance, protecting our white European heritage at any cost, ignoring or worse, celebrating, the sins of our country’s founding, treat foreign policy like a business transaction, not America First, but America Last, and say and do whatever is necessary to stay in power. It is not Republican. It’s Trumpism. Just a different shade of Fascism, or Marxism, or Communism.
So, my Republican brothers and sisters, you can now claim your independence from the party of Trump, throw your MAGA accessories away, unfollow @TheRealDonaldTrump, take a long solitary walk in the woods, and come out the other side reclaiming your proud Republican affiliation, reclaim all the relationships you lost with friends and family trying to defend your support of Trumpism, and reclaim your soul.
Welcome back home to where you belong, in the true Republican Party. Now, let’s work together to make this world a better place.